What are the 7 common symptoms of diabetes?

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People with diabetes may experience an unusual thirst or hunger. This is because the body doesn't produce enough insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Unusual thirst or hunger

People with diabetes may experience an increased number of urination. This is because the body doesn't produce enough insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Increased urination

People with diabetes may experience more frequent infections. This is because the body is not able to fight off infections as well as it should be.

Frequent infections

This is because the blood vessels in the eyes are smaller than in people without diabetes, and can become blocked more easily.

Dark circles under the eyes

People with diabetes may experience poor vision. This is because the blood vessels in the eyes are smaller than in people without diabetes, and can become blocked more easily.

Poor vision

People with diabetes may lose weight even when they are not dieting. This is because the body doesn't produce enough insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels.

Unusual weight loss

This is because the blood sugar levels in people with diabetes are often too high, and can lead to inflammation and other problems in the body.

Increased risk of heart disease

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